Message from the President
Since its foundation, Communication Professionals Co., Ltd. (CommPro) has accumulated valuable experience over the years, enabling quick and precise response to customers’ needs. A strong point of our linguistic services is that we don’t simply translate; we strive to ensure the best possible outcome through professional onsite communication, whether it’s at a local exhibition or a conference overseas. For each project, we organize the optimum team and pursue total satisfaction from the customer’s point of view.
In response to today’s ever-changing international business environment, speedy work is important of course, but accurate and reliable work, and a finely tuned response are crucial. This is our forte. With CommPro’s specialist teamwork, we promise optimum cost performance and the best results for your project.
“CommPro is a company we trust!”
This is the response we want hear. Customer trust is No. 1 to us, and we work passionately to ensure it in all we do. Please feel free to contact us and give us the opportunity to work with you on a project in the future.
Our motto is “Your Success is Our Business”.

Toyoko Gerrard
Communication Professionals Co., Ltd.